Holistic Health – Balancing with Touch

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Holistic Health – Balancing with Touch

Are you feeling run down and out of energy? Are you struggling to keep up with your work and personal obligations? You may benefit from holistic health. Holistic health is a broad term that refers to a variety of health philosophies and treatments that consider the whole person, rather than just individual symptoms or body parts. If you’re interested in holistic health, here’s what you need to know.

Holistic health can be broken down into five main categories: mind-body medicine, natural products, alternative medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and energy healing. Each of these approaches has its own set of beliefs and techniques that can be used to improve your well-being. For example, mind-body medicine emphasizes the importance of stress relief and relaxation techniques,

Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that has been around for centuries. One of the key principles of ayurveda is that of balance – or finding equilibrium within the body and mind.

So today let’s look at balancing with Touch

A loving touch releases healing chemicals. Touch relates to the element of air. You feel a rush of wind on your skin. Like air, touch is full movement and motion.

Ayurveda reminds us to balance our bodies with Self abhanga or massage.

Why? because the skin is the largest organ of the body.

It’s rich with neurochemicals, immune modulators, and nerve receptors. Through these channels, touch changes us emotionally, physically, and biochemically.

When your skin is stimulated by loving touch or massage, it releases healing chemicals that:

•Enhance immune function
•Improve circulation
•Elevate mood
•Promote restful sleep

All dosha types benefit from self-abhyanga.

In addition to the direct benefits of massage, herbalized oils provide healing benefits.

According to Ayurveda, these oils help protect tissues from potentially harmful chemicals that can accumulate in the body.

The skin absorbs the oils, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can protect and balance tissues.

Oil massage keeps the body’s first line of defense,
the skin, lubricated and healthy.

– Ayurvedic saying


Would you like to find out If your body is in balance?

Take our quiz and find what you need to adjust, covered in detail as part of Holistic Health course. 

TAKE THE QUIZZES to know your Mind-body type and where you need to balance: Ayurveda Quiz

Are you ready to learn more? Great! Let’s get started!


If you took the Quiz here are tips based on your results:


  • types that are dry, and cold, benefit from a warming massage.
  • STYLE: Light, Slow, Gentle
  • OIL: Sesame, Almond



  • Fiery types benefit from a nurturing and cooling massage
  • STYLE: Deep penetrating using a stronger touch
  • OIL: Coconut, Sunflower, Olive



  • An invigorating touch helps to stimulate and awaken a slow and tired KAPHA type.
  • STYLE: Fast, Vigorous with light, warming
  • OIL: Safflower, Mustard

Looking to improve your health, learn Ayurveda a 5000-year-old science of life.

Our Holistic Health course will teach you everything you need to know about the principles of Ayurveda so that you can start eating in a way that supports your health goals. Register now and join us on this journey to better wellness!

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Phone: (732) 423-6963


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