Our body is quite a remarkable machine that not only self-operates but also has some amazing self-healing capabilities. It has the intelligence to self-correct and the capactiy to heal itself. We can use this ability to heal, balance and maintain our health.
What is Spontaneous Adjustment Qigong?
Spontaneous Adjustment Qigong is a Taoist practice for exploration of body, mind and spirit. To know the body, you will experience four elements associated with the body, that is earth (solidity – muscle, bones, tendons, etc), water (liquid – blood, lymph, etc), fire (heat – temperature), and wind or air (movement – breath, Qi) and how to keep them in balance by awakening your self-healing system. Spontaneous Adjustment Qigong is the first level of the Yi gong system. It is spontaneous, formless and supports the spiritual development of one’s great potential.
Learn to meditate with timeless practice of
Formless Form Spontaneous Adjustment Qigong Meditation
- It’s a healing meditation that allows us to experience inner calm and deep relaxation, is an unique method of meditation based on Vedic wisdom.
- Spontaneous Adjustment Qigong Meditation uses body’s own intelligence to help it self correct.
- Practicing Spontaneous Adjustment Qigong you will be guided to use the ancient technology to quieter the levels of the thinking process, until you enter into the gap between thoughts, to connect with inner peace and stillness.
How meditation can help you?
Practicing Meditation on a daily basis can help you to:
- Manage stress
- Reduce anxiety
- Increase Energy flow
- Create inner peace
- Awaken your intuition
- Enhance your sleep patterns
- Lower your blood pressure
- Become less judgmental
- Decrease depression and insomnia
What is a Yi Gong?
Yi Gong is one of the highest Taoist Maoshan esoteric practices. Its system includes two aspects, spiritual and physical. The spiritual aspects have not been revealed to the public. The physical aspects include three levels, the spontaneous adjustment, celestial master points the way, and great water fall.
Awareness is the core of Yi Gong practice. Practicing Yi Gong without awareness is not Yi Gong. If you learn the practice and do not develop your awareness, you have lost the essence of Yi Gong.
Yi is mind. Gong is work, skill, method, effort, efficacy, and achievement. Yi Gong is mind training. It is techniques for awareness development. Through skillful techniques and cultivation of one’s mind, one is capable of reaching self-awakening. Self-healing or the appearance of supernatural powers is side-effects along with the body and mind’s awakening. They are not the ultimate goal for Yi Gong. Nevertheless, training one’s mind is a path to self-awakening. Yi Gong is a process of studying, practicing and harvesting. Realization is the result of that cultivation and self-awakening. Words cannot convey the knowing, the cognition, Gnosis or prajñå.
How does Formless form work?
When you start with the Spontaneous Adjustment Qigong its starts with a form. As you let go and let the body’s intelligence take over the form goes into formless.
What to expect
We offer Formless Form Meditation classes in two formats—a 4 hour group seminar or 1-1 session.
Our courses are taught by Jas, who has studied with Sifu Jenny and we are grateful to Sifu for sharing the Spontaneous Adjustment Qigong, Yi Gong & Ten Essential Qigong Exercises.
You can read further on Sifu’s site Easterninternalarts.com
Formless Form Seminar: $295
Four hour group seminar will include :
- Preparation for opening your body with
- Ten Essential Qigong Exercises
- Tapping Qigong
- Learning & practicing Formless Form
- Closing
Formless Form 1-1 $395
Three hours of 1-1 session will include
- Preparation for opening your body with
- Ten Essential Qigong Exercises
- Tapping Qigong
- Learning & practicing Formless Form
- Closing
+ One 30 min follow up Zoom session
Also available: Private meditation & guidance – Four 30-minute private 1-1 sessions for $200
Recommended as a follow-up monthly or quarterly to help continue and deepen your practice.
Overview & FAQ
Coming Soon in person session in CT, NY, NJ, CT - Stay tuned!
Fill below form to stay informed be contacted for 1-1 session.